
first things first

What's this all about?  My journey from uneducated inexperienced artisan into an accomplished artist.  Through this blog I aim to show those intermediate steps that often go unshown. That period where your artwork is bad and covered in the blood of your cut fingers from the mistakes you've made along the way. That art that makes the artist cringe and their public smirk at its poor craftsmanship. By the time someone is posting their how to videos on YouTube they've become a master already and they make their efforts look effortless and so easy all you need to do in order to achieve similar greatness is to pick up a chisel and any blank slate of wood and the flurry of ensuing chips will fall revealing a masterpiece of baroque elegance worthy of any European palace built during the reign of king Louis or that would be worthy of Cosimo de Medici's patronage. Sadly this instant rise from amateur into old master is anything but quick.  It takes years of practice and countless